Spring Ritual - New Vision


During this long Easter Weekend, to help you ground the energy and prepare for this new cycle on the coming Aries New Moon, here is my SPRING RITUAL.

Go out into nature barefoot and root yourself into the earth. Once you feel supported and connected by Mother Earth, imagine a hole opening at the top of your head. Imagine the Golden White Light, directly from the Galactic Centre, pouring into the top of your head and flowing through your body. Keep the light flowing in, until your whole body is vibrating with this Golden White light from the Galactic Centre.

Feel it flowing around your body, cleaning and cleansing every cell, organ and muscle. As it washes you internally, release any dark, negative, grey and shadowy parts out through the soles of your feet as black sludge, until you become a beaming white light.

Breathe three times long and deeply and feel yourself dropping into a deep meditative state. See a new vision of yourself that is more aligned with who you truly are, and ask the Galactic centre to help you become it.

Once you have seen this new vision clearly, focus on your heart-centre and ask your questions or guidance. Be patient for the answers, as they may not come straight away.

If you do not receive any direct messages from your intuition, they can often come in different ways; through dreams, another person, a book, the internet, intuition, a sign… the conduits for answers are endless.

Know that you have been heard.

Once you have completed your journey, send out a gratitude prayer, as you send your energy back to the Galactic Centre, creating a symbiotic relationship with this most powerful centre.

On a more practical level, this is a great time to spring clean your life.

Be ruthless and get rid of any clutter and old clothes that you no longer need. Open the windows and let the air circulate. Smudge all the corners of your space with fresh sage, while giving thanks for your wonderful home, and for what is to come. This dissolves old and stale energy and creates space for new intentions.

Spring clean your life by clearing out old lovers, friends and people that are no longer serving you. When we clear out the old, we make space for new people and lovers to come in that are more aligned with where we are. We are all shifting consciousness, and some of us are waking up quicker than others, so let go of those who are no longer aligned with you with love and compassion.

This is also a time for sowing seeds in the ground for future food or flowers. Be aware of this wonderful act of creation to produce sustenance, and use it as a powerful symbolism for planting your own visions and dreams into the earth to nourish and nurture until they produce fruit in the harvest.

It is a very intense time on the Planet, as the shifts of power and control (Saturn and Jupiter) are creating waves on our Planet. When we honour these Rites of Passage, we can tune into the energies and direct them to support and assist us during these times.

Wishing you all an enlightening transition to the light!


Earth Day 2021


Flow with Natural Time